BCL easyPDF Batch has been specifically designed to help you bulk-convert any number of documents into high-quality PDF files just by dropping them in a folder of your choice. Using the “hot folder” concept, the program will keep an eye on any new file that goes into that specific folder, and will convert it automatically into a PDF document according to your preferred settings.
You need to select four different folders for the program to perform its magic – a watch folder (also known as the “hot folder”), an output folder for the resulting PDFs, an archive folder, and an error folder in case anything goes wrong. You can then set some common settings that will be applied to all converted files. These include some basic metadata, such as title, author, subject, and keywords. As the program support image to PDF conversion, you can also assign specific compression and quality levels to them (ZIP, JPEG, or JPEG 2000). Images will be converted individually, and will generate one PDF file for every image processed.
You can specify some security restrictions that will apply to all the PDF files created. These restrictions are in line with those used by Adobe tools to protect PDF documents. Thus, you can password-protect them (with both an open and an owner password) and restrict their use when it comes to printing, modifying, and extracting text from them. Finally, you can customize both PDF/A and PDF/X conformance.